Monday, December 17, 2012

Textbook 1.3 Question 23

  • Before I looked for the surface area I had to divided the side into a way I could find the surface area easily because the shape is irregular.
    • So I divided the shape into two pieces one into a triangle and one into a rectangle.
    • First I used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the measurement of the base of the pool.
    • After I square rooted my answer that gave me the length of the base.
    • Now I can find the surface area of that side.

  • Now I started finding the surface area of the inside walls of the pool that need painting which was the bottom of the pool, the side, back and front.
  • I found the surface area of the rectangle in the irregular shape then the triangle then added them together, then multiplied it by two.
  • Then I found the S.A of the base (bottom of the pool) by multiplying the length and width.
  • Next I found the front and the back by using the same formula but different heights because the pool gradually gets greater.
  • Then as a result I added all the it together and got an answer of 389 m^2.
*This may not be the answer at the back because I could not find a way to get that answer. (:

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